PLAN Okanagan is a family-directed, non-profit charitable organization. We support and bring families together to develop a safe, secure and quality future for their family member with a disability. To accomplish this, we provide information sessions, future planning consultations and assist in the development of a social and supportive network for your family member with a disability.
As parents, we share your concerns about the future of your child with a disability. We know how hard you are working to secure a good life or them. No one can take your place. However, one day someone will have to assume the responsibility of caring for your relative in the event of your illness or death.
“Who will take care of my loved one with a disability when I’m unable to do so myself?“
What started with a pressing question that was posed over 30 years ago, has grown into a solid network of families and supporters that continually search and discover solutions to secure bright futures for their loved ones. We continue to help others on their journey to gain peace of mind.
PLAN with help.
We offer the following services:
We help you develop a Personal Future Plan for your loved one with a disability.

We help you establish a loving and caring Personal Network for your relative. We help bring families together to help support one another.

We offer workshops and information on the Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP), Wills, Trusts, Estate Planning, Home Ownership, and Alternatives to Legal Guardianship.

Established Networks can assist in monitoring the quality of programs and services your relative receives for the rest of his or her life.

Established Networks can assist in advocating on behalf of people with disabilities with government and non-government agencies.

We encourage law and policy reform to remove barriers that deter families from assisting their relatives with disabilities and to create tools and mechanisms to help families secure a good life for their relatives with disabilities, both now and in the future.

We create greater community awareness of the contributions that are made by people with disabilities.